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September 19, 2010

Mom Alert: High Fructose Corn Syrup Name to be "Corn Sugar"

Maize for popcorn, cultivated in Hungary, prod...Image via WikipediaHola Awesome Mamas,

The latest hubbub regarding the detrimental effects of high fructose corn syrup which now constitutes a large percentage of the calories consumed by Americans (see this Princeton experiment where rats eating high fructose corn syrup gained more weight than rats eating regular sugar).

The corn industry, according to a New York Times article will change its name to "corn sugar" in order to "better inform" (or perhaps confuse?) consumers.

Scientifically, high fructose corn syrup (or "corn sugar") is not incredibly different than regular sugar. What IS different is that almost every processed food product has a high percentage of high fructose corn syrup (sugar). Some food products have only a tablespoon or two of sugar, while others have as much as a cupful or two of extra sugar.

As a mom, imagine giving your child an extra cup of sugar each day without even realizing it. For this, companies like Heinz have taken high fructose corn syrup out of some products. Increased sugar (no matter what kind) is not healthy for children or adults. The sugar calories are empty (no nutrients or vitamins) and can lead to obesity and diabetes (rampant in Hispanic families).

What are some ways to decrease sugar content overall?

1) Do not buy any products with high fructose corn syrup or any type of sugar (ends with -ose) as one of the first few ingredients of a product.
2) Take out soda entirely.
3) Make your own salad dressings
4) Reduce the amount of processed products with high fructose corn syrup
5) Buy products that have low levels of sugar

Keep your family healthy!
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